faithbook A message for quiet meditation
by JAN FARROW, Lay Reader at Holy Epiphany
Springtime is here – I think. I have been enjoying the crocuses and the snowdrops reminding me that Spring is on its way. I can see the buds on the trees getting themselves ready, and yes, even the evenings are gradually becoming brighter. I can hear the birds twittering away in the morning, but somehow it feels just a tad too cold. Maybe it’s me getting ahead of myself longing for some warmer weather. Mopsy dog has started to dash round the garden like a mad hatter, I think she knows Spring is on the way - even she seems to be trying to hurry it along. I know it will arrive, we are surrounded by God’s Faithfulness, in creation, in our ordinary everyday lives.
Lent is God’s Springtime, a time to perhaps reflect a little more, to take stock of our faith, a time to come out of the winter cold and blossom under the warmth of his love. So what does faithfulness to God look like in our ordinary everyday lives?
We might be too busy, lonely, fearful of how to pay the bills, we might feel invisible, failing in health, and so the list could go on. But Faithfulness isn’t just about the big dramatic moments, it’s about the small everyday choices to keep walking with God, even when we don’t feel like it. Faithfulness is not about never stumbling, it’s about standing firm in Christ, no matter what comes our way. Our faithfulness is not measured by our strength but by our trust in His strength. Let us hold fast to Him, walking each day with confidence knowing that he who is the first and the last will never fail us. Be Faithful, for he is always Faithful to us.
A prayer:
Bless our homes, our families, and our communities. Help us to be faithful in our words and actions, reflecting your love to those around us. Keep us mindful of your presence each day, and may we walk in the confidence that you are always with us